STK-GROUP's commitment to safety and security
STK-GROUP have been manufacturing safety devices such as Breather Valves,
Flame Arresters and explosion-proof solenoid valves located in
China, Korea and Vietnam inherit the 100-year history of Kaneko Sangyo Co., Ltd.
To provide our silent technology
to support this peaceful and happy life.
Based on this management philosophy, we are committed to ensuring
a safe and secure life through our products in the world every day.
Over 100 years foundation, we analyzed our SDGs targets and business activities
once again to build a better world with members of stakeholders.
In 2015, United Nations resolved 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
including "zero hunger" and " Clean water and sanitation" as a common goal for the international community.
We believe that the direction of the SDGs is the same as that of STK-HD,
which aims to provide the world's safety devices in the industrial,
lifestyle, and environmental fields under the slogan of "protecting peaceful daily life."
Our initiatives in relation to the SDGs
1.We create a variety of safety devices to protect our peaceful everyday life.
【Ventilation Equipment】

Breather Valve is device which automatically control pressure in the storage tank.
The amount of vapor (air pollutants, etc.) released into atmosphere kept a minimum during plant operation
Flame Arrester accomplish human life protection and equipment protection which related to operation of fire in plant by any chance. Specially, in-line flame arrester is also supporting “hydrogen gas” which is clean energy.
Gas seal unit is device used to occlude stored items such as beverages, foods, ultrapure water, etc. which is important for hygiene and water quality control from bacteria in the atmosphere
Those valves are self-power valve which don’t use energy such as electricity.
【Solenoid Valve】

We have been producing explosion-proof solenoid valve for a long time,
have been getting explosion protection certificate of Japan and the other areas such as
Europe, China, Korea, Taiwan, etc. and have been protecting daily safety of plant.
In addition, our company’s solenoid valve has high reliability from getting certificate
SIL3 of third-party organization and has been providing
safety and security to society with high reliability
【Next generation equipment】

ON-OFF valve manager [APOSA] is a device to improve conventional solenoid valve function,
and add monitoring the status of controlled devices and predicting abnormalities APOSA itself.
By monitoring the status of equipment malfunctions, accidents due to unexpected failures
can be prevented and planned maintenance activities can be carried out.
2.Cross-border partnerships for business activities
【Business Deployment】
Our offices in China, Korea and Vietnam are engaged in production activities
and deliver products to the markets in each country.
In addition, we work with our local business partners at each site to produce parts,
and we mutually supply parts to each site.
【Development Activity、Certificate Acquisition Activity】
Regrading STK-HD’s development activities, we started make the effort to
develop product and engineering business to meet needs of stakeholders.
In addition, we promote product development project of device for next generation energy through
Japan-China collaboration with China national institution.
Therefore, we organize development activities with business partners in Japan,
Viet Nam, China, Korea, Germany, Taiwan, and other countries.
In addition, we have acquired various certifications from
the U.S., Germany, the Netherlands, the U.K. and other Western countries,
as well as from Asian countries such as China and South Korea,
and we offer a range of products that can be adapted to many markets.
3.Contributing to the community
【Tokyo Saiseikai central hospital ecology garden】
We are sponsoring "ecology garden" which an introduction of specific plants
which effectively absorb and cut off carbon dioxide (CO2) due to global environment
conservation and improvement of patient amenities.
By installing the "ecology garden", we can purify the air in the hospital and create a comfortable
environment and health space, providing "tranquility" "moisture" and "relaxation".
【Sponsorship to Shonan Bellmare】
Hiratsuka Factory supports Japan Professional Football League (J1 League),
Shonan Bellmare which is based in the city of "Hiratsuka".
We regularly host games to promote interaction with a large number of people,
from children to the elderly to revitalize the community.
Shonan Bellmare's Local Career Education Project.
We participated in the "Shonan Manaberu Marre" and hosted local junior high school students.
I shared the "meaning of working" with the students.
【Korea Kaneko : Sponsorship of schools for the handicapped 】
Located in Bucheon City where Kaneko Co., Ltd. is located,
SANGROK School is a school for physically challenged students,
from kindergarten to high school and has about 260 students.
In Korea, budget of nation related to facilities for the handicapped are few,
so we're starting to provide support for them.
Donation is used to cover school yard with urethane so that even if disabled people fall down,
they will not be injured and to construct training room to exercise muscles for disabled people.
【Kaneko Viet Nam accepts interns】
In Kaneko Viet Nam, we are accepting intern students from Japanese university.
In 2019 we accepted trainees from Suwa Science university and introduced
the global initiatives of Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises.
4.Our goal is to create a rewarding workplace
【Employee training system】
Trainees from overseas business offices
We regularly exchange Employees between overseas business offices,
We are constructing uniform product production system at group companies.
In addition, we regularly hold language training sessions in our company, globalize our employees
【Award for employee】
The group has established employee award organization which is being held once a year.
In addition, Employees who particularly significant contribution
will be awarded the "Excellence Employee” to provide training for exhibitions and
other events held in Germany, China, America, Viet Nam, etc.
【Health care】
Regularly carry out such as regular medical check,
special medical check, mental health check, etc.
We also have a refreshment leave system, and every five years of service,
employees are given one week of special leave to refresh their minds and bodies.
To provide our silent technology
to support this peaceful and happy life
STK-GROUP will accelerate our efforts
to overcome common global challenges.
For inquiries regarding our CSR activities, please contact us.
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